24 May
Understanding Feed as a Fomite: Clean Feed Experts Guide to Sampling
  • Posted by Anitox

Understanding Feed as a Fomite: Clean Feed Experts Guide to Sampling

Feed sampling is critical to monitoring feed quality and imperative to implementing and evaluating effective feed pathogen control programs. When done properly, feed sampling facilitates accurate analysis of feed and feed ingredient batches and provides valuable information pertaining to

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22 May
Your Guide to Improving Feed Quality
  • Posted by Anitox

Your Guide to Improving Feed Quality

Managing costs is at the top of everybody’s list. For poultry producers – one of the biggest cost centers is the feed supplied to poultry. Feed makes up 60-70% of the poultry production costs making poor ingredient and finished feed quality a significant loss. Variable microbial loads in

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26 Apr
Mitigating Pathogen Transmission with Effective Feed Mill Biosecurity
  • Posted by Anitox

Mitigating Pathogen Transmission with Effective Feed Mill Biosecurity

Feed for food-producing animals is the most significant component within the global food industry as it is vital to producing enough animal protein for a growing population. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses can contaminate feed and feed ingredients, some being pathogenic. Pathogens linked to

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27 Mar
VIV Asia: Impact of Feed Quality on Commercial Poultry Microbiome
  • Posted by Anitox

VIV Asia: Impact of Feed Quality on Commercial Poultry Microbiome

VIV Asia is one of the largest and most important trade shows in animal production, showcasing the latest technologies, products, and services related to animal health, nutrition, genetics, and processing. As part of the Feed Strategy Seminar at VIV Asia, Dr. Enrique Montiel, Anitox

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27 Mar
How Do Milling Efficiency Strategies Support the Aquaculture Industry?
  • Posted by Anitox

How Do Milling Efficiency Strategies Support the Aquaculture Industry?

Fish are incredibly efficient food-producing animals making it critically important for productivity, sustainability and profitability to provide feed that is of the highest quality and integrity. Feed accounts for no less than 50% of aquaculture production costs, so producers seek out

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27 Feb
Could Clean Feed Enhance Broiler Feed Efficiency and Management?
  • Posted by Anitox

Could Clean Feed Enhance Broiler Feed Efficiency and Management?

Colonization of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic bacteria and resulting disease has deleterious impacts on gut health, development and overall broiler flock performance. Necrotic enteritis caused by the pathogen Clostridium perfringens, can reduce broiler feed efficiency by 2-3

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