29 Jun
Ask an Expert: Feed's Role in Swine Virus Mitigation
  • Posted by Anitox

Ask an Expert: Feed's Role in Swine Virus Mitigation

Swine viruses such as African Swine Fever (ASF), Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDV), and Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) are detrimental to animal health and performance, severely impacting producer productivity and profitability. While PEDV and PRRS are endemic,

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29 Jun
Mitigate Swine Viruses with Effective Feed Pathogen Control Tools
  • Posted by Anitox

Mitigate Swine Viruses with Effective Feed Pathogen Control Tools

Feed is essential for swine growth and development, but it can harbor pathogens and viruses like Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) and African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV), posing significant risks to swine health and productivity. Contaminated raw materials or improper handling and

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30 May
Feed Quality Supports Sustainable Aquaculture
  • Posted by Anitox

Feed Quality Supports Sustainable Aquaculture

For aquaculture producers, sustainability isn't just a buzzword—it's a fundamental principle promoting a responsible and resilient future. Feed intended for aquatic species or ‘Aquafeeds’ play a significant role in meeting the nutritional needs of farmed species and minimizing

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28 May
Maximizing Efficiency: Key to Supporting Aquaculture Feed Conversion
  • Posted by Anitox

Maximizing Efficiency: Key to Supporting Aquaculture Feed Conversion

Being naturally efficient feed converters, with an average feed conversion rate of 1.1, fish are one of the most efficient food animals to produce. In terms of feed conversion, every gram of feed counts, making optimizing feed conversion paramount for sustainable and profitable operations.

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29 Apr
Understanding Moisture’s Critical Impact on Pellet Durability
  • Posted by Anitox

Understanding Moisture’s Critical Impact on Pellet Durability

Pellet durability critically influences the quality of pelleted formulations. Moisture affects factors such as pellet strength and hardness, both of which are pivotal in determining pellet durability. Let's take a deeper look into how moisture impacts pellet durability and explore

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27 Apr
Optimizing Poultry and Swine Performance through High-Quality Pellets
  • Posted by Anitox

Optimizing Poultry and Swine Performance through High-Quality Pellets

Performance and efficiency are objectives both animal and feed producers continuously strive to improve. Animal producers seek strategies and formulations that give them the power to achieve evolving genetic potential and feed producers continue to find innovative ways to make more

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