27 Oct
Are Sustainable Protein Meals A Win-Win Solution for Animal Agriculture and the Environment?
  • Posted by Anitox

Are Sustainable Protein Meals A Win-Win Solution for Animal Agriculture and the Environment?

By 2050 our world’s population is anticipated to reach 9.7 billion. As the population increases, our food system must increase as well. Sustainably feeding a growing population requires efficient feed production and optimal nutrient utilization by food-producing animals. Just like people,

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03 Oct
News Release: Anitox Releases Free First-Ever Biosecurity Audit App
  • Posted by Anitox

News Release: Anitox Releases Free First-Ever Biosecurity Audit App

Feed pathogen control specialist, Anitox, has launched the first free app to collect and present feed mill biosecurity audit records for all geographies and regulatory bodies. Dr. Enrique Montiel, Anitox’s Global Director of Nutrition and Live Production, explains: "Auditing feed mills

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29 Sep
Is Feed Pathogen Control Key to Mitigating ASF and PEDv?
  • Posted by Anitox

Is Feed Pathogen Control Key to Mitigating ASF and PEDv?

Are you a pork producer who's concerned about the devastating impacts of African Swine Fever and Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus on the swine population? If so, you're not alone. These viruses not only cause significant animal welfare issues but also result in significant economic

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29 Sep
Overcoming Pellet Integrity Challenges: Expert Advice
  • Posted by Anitox

Overcoming Pellet Integrity Challenges: Expert Advice

Creating high-quality pellets that support animal performance is a complex multi-faceted process. Variables can change throughout this process, leading to some common pellet integrity challenges. But did you know these deviations are often linked to specific root causes? Pelleted feed is

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04 Sep
News Release: Feed Safety a Top Priority for Industry Partners as IFSAC Announces New Priorities
  • Posted by Anitox

News Release: Feed Safety a Top Priority for Industry Partners as IFSAC Announces New Priorities

Interagency Food Safety Analytics Collaboration (IFSAC) priorities for 2024-2028 have been published. As a partner to the world's leading feed and food producers, Anitox is committed to understanding how IFSAC's commitment to improving the coordination of federal food safety analytics

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31 Aug
3 Ways Reduced Microbial Loads Improve Broiler Performance
  • Posted by Anitox

3 Ways Reduced Microbial Loads Improve Broiler Performance

High, variable microbial loads increase the risk of pathogen transmission via feed and prevalence within poultry production. Opportunistic feed-source pathogens can quickly multiply when exposed to favorable conditions and increase the risk for disease, potentially impacting profitability

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