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Mitigate Swine Viruses with Effective Feed Pathogen Control Tools

Feed is essential for swine growth and development, but it can harbor pathogens and viruses like Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) and African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV), posing significant risks to swine health and productivity. Contaminated raw materials or improper handling and storage can spread these diseases, leading to economic losses. To prevent disease transmission, maintaining feed hygiene is crucial. Strategies such as heat treatment, ingredient holding times, and feed additives are commonly used to mitigate pathogen contamination in feed. Effective feed sanitation is vital for protecting swine herds and ensuring productivity.

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Exploring the Role of Feed in Swine Virus Transmission

The emergence of PEDV in North America led to extensive research on feed as a carrier for swine viruses. Continued learning in the area of swine virus transmission has brought feed biosecurity to the forefront. Swine viruses, as well as pathogens such as Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes and E. coli, have been evidence to contaminate and remain viable in feed. Findings of the studies noted below have changed the way feed and its ingredients are formulated, handled and stored:

- Jones et al. (2019) acknowledges the potential efficacy of heat treatments and ingredient sequestration but notes these methods only provide protection at the time of implementation.

- Balestreri et al. (2024) shows that heat treatment up to 100°C may not be sufficient to mitigate viruses such as ASFV in feed, highlighting the need for effective solutions.

- Research following the 2013 Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus outbreak demonstrated that feed can be a source of viral contamination, and swine viruses such as ASFV, PEDV and Seneca-virus A (SVA) can survive and remain infectious in feed for extended periods.

Buyers and nutritionists carefully assess contamination risks, especially for ingredients like soybean meal, which are more susceptible to contamination by viable swine viruses. Pathogens can infiltrate feed, posing significant risks if not controlled at the source, as farm-level spread often occurs through pig interactions. Effective mitigation strategies include heat treatment, ingredient holding times, and feed additives. However, studies indicate that even thorough heat treatments may not fully mitigate viruses such as ASFV, highlighting the need for effective solutions.

Feed sanitizers, such as Termin-8® and Finio®, have been found effective in reducing detectable viral levels, evidencing their potential in supporting pig farm biosecurity and swine virus mitigation. New research conducted by Kansas State University found that applying Termin-8® and Finio® to contaminated soybean meal reduced the detectable levels of PEDV, PRRSV, and Seneca Valley virus 1 (SVV1), demonstrating the feed sanitizer efficacy in reducing viral RNA.

swine virus
A longer cycle threshold (CT) indicates a lower level of detectable virus.


Clean Feed Supports Swine Virus Mitigation

Feed is a crucial component of swine production, providing essential nutrients for growth and development. However, the presence of pathogens and viruses in feed poses significant risks to swine health and productivity. Continued concerns over disease transmission, particularly from viruses like Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) and African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV), have highlighted the critical role of feed sanitation in mitigating disease spread within swine populations.

Feed sanitization reduces disease transmission risks, improving herd health and profitability for swine producers. Studies show that feed sanitizers like Termin-8® and Finio® effectively reduce viral contamination and support gut health, providing long-lasting protection. Feed sanitation is crucial for mitigating swine viruses and ensuring herd productivity, making it a key component of biosecurity programs in swine production operations.

Prioritizing feed hygiene helps prevent disease transmission and optimize pig performance. Clean feed enhances growth efficiency by preventing microbiome disruption and protecting pigs from pathogens. By controlling microbial load from production to consumption, high-quality feed supports optimal growth and performance.

Producers wanting to take effective action to protect their animals against contamination can get more information by contacting a clean feed expert today.

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